In the news

Detroit gets playful

Wayne State 's Hilberry Theatre is noted in a roundup story of plays, ballets and activities scheduled during October and November across southeast Michigan . The Hilberry Theatre will be presenting a series of plays in repertory and one of Shakespeare's classics "Julius Caesar." Mixed in will be Tennessee Williams' "Sweet Bird of Youth" starting Nov. 18. The season lightens up a bit with the comedic "Sylvia," by A.R. Gurney, focusing on the changes that a dog brings into a family in middle-age. A sidebar highlights Wayne State 's Hilberry Theatre offerings.

Bankruptcy Law: Troubled companies race to beat deadline

Financially struggling companies are under pressure to file for bankruptcy within the next 10 days, before significant changes in the nation\'s bankruptcy laws take effect - sweeping revisions that will limit the amount of money a company can pay top managers, make it harder to wipe out debts for pennies on the dollar and provide outsiders a better chance to propose their own plan for restructuring a bankrupt firm. Companies already considering bankruptcy don\'t want to deal with the changes, said Laura Bartell, a bankruptcy law professor at Wayne State University . \"Everybody is much more comfortable with the devil they know than with the devil they don\'t know,\" Bartell said. But, even if the new rules create a short-term increase in filings to beat the deadline, experts agree the law won\'t encourage or discourage bankruptcies in the long run. The law doesn\'t cause people to file for bankruptcy, Bartell said. \"It depends on what the economy does. What creates bankruptcies is economic problems either for the individual company or the economy as a whole.\"

Unruly fans' actions called out of bounds

Delano Tucker, a longtime teacher and youth sports coach who is coordinator of Wayne State University 's sports administration program, is quoted about the growing number of unruly fans. At college venues nationwide, hurling things and shouting obscenities has become standard practice according to administrators and social scientists. ""Almost anything goes,\" Tucker said. He trains people who will run sports organizations and manage teams. When he teaches ethics, students don\'t get it, he said. \"They\'re like, \'What are you talking about?\' \"

NYU Forum: A deeper look at the Hmong hunter incident

This article reports on a February forum in New York at which panelists discussed the Wisconsin incident involving the killing of six hunters by a Hmong-American man during an argument in the woods. Among the speakers was Frank Wu, dean of the WSU Law School , who "helped the audience to imagine what Vang may have been thinking and feeling, particularly the sense that no matter how long the Hmongs were in Wisconsin and Minnesota , they could never be viewed as 'locals.'" Wu pointed out that people should not make pretrial judgments about the man's guilt or innocence and should be supportive of his right to get a fair trial.

Northwest, Delta owe $414,700 to airport

Just as Capital City Airport prepares to lose a daily flight on Northwest Airlines and on Delta Air Lines, it\'s facing another dilemma involving the bankrupt carriers. This one will hit the airport - already operating in a budget with little wiggle room - in the wallet. Combined, Northwest and Delta owed Lansing \'s Capital City Airport an estimated $414,700 before filing for bankruptcy protection. General unsecured creditors, such as Capital City , will be among the thousands represented by nine-member creditor panels in the Northwest and Delta bankruptcy cases. \"Generally, unsecured creditors generally do not get 100 cents on the dollar,\" said Laura Bartell, a professor at Wayne State University Law School . \"They generally will get something ... 10 to 20 cents (on the dollar) maybe.\"

Market entices new buyers

When most of his peers were splurging on cars, clothes and bar outings, 19-year-old Bryan McLaughlin was shopping for his first home. "I had a bunch of money saved up, and I was looking at cars when a friend recommended I buy a condo,\" he said in September. McLaughlin, a Canton , Mich. , resident, skipped college and at 17 began to work 50 hours a week at an orthodontic lab and a liquor store. By 19, he had put aside more than $20,000. With the tax incentives in mind, he decided to put all of it down on a 1,440-square-foot, $180,000 condo that overlooks a golf course. His nest egg allowed him to secure a three-year, adjustable-rate mortgage at 5.25 percent. Advice for buyers - Make sure you have a stable, well-paying job, Wayne State University Professor George Galster said.

Ford, Boeing in nanotech alliance with Northwestern

Ford Motor Co. and Boeing Co. announced Thursday an intent to work with researchers at Northwestern University in Evanston , Ill. to research commercial applications of nanotechnology. The intent to form this new alliance is being announced on the same day that Ford and Northwestern University dedicate a new $30 million engineering center on the school\'s campus near Chicago . Ford provided a $10 million grant to build the new Ford Motor Co. Engineering Design Center as part of the Robert R. McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science.

Wayne State University study recommends expansion of e-learning for K-12 education

Michigan's K-12 public school system must adapt to a changing world by moving away from the traditional learning environment within classrooms and school buildings, according to a newly released study, "Exploring E-Learning Reforms for Michigan: The New Education (R)evolution," authored by Tom Watkins, Michigan's former state schools' superintendent. The study provides 29 major recommendations designed to further develop and enhance e-learning in Michigan 's K-12 public school system.

Lawsuit slams Delphi

Professor William Volz of the School of Business Administration is quoted in a story about fraud charges filed against Delphi Corp., the auto parts supplier. The suit, filed by several institutional investors, claims that Delphi used business and accounting practices that hid growing financial problems. Volz pointed out that investors rely on the accuracy of a company's financial reports, and "when an enterprise's financial statements are sullied, it's not a stain that goes away quickly."